Need Help?

What are your hours?

Our normal hours: M-F, 8 am to 5 pm

How do I report an outage?

Mena office: 479-394-4140
Dierks office: 870-286-2012
Toll Free: 877-828-4074

How do I pay my bill?

Use the Pay Now link, automatic bank draft, smarthub App, Pay by phone (1-844-849-1513), Pay in person at the office (convenient drive-thru), or pay by mail.

How do I get new service?

Apply through the website or in person at the Mena or Dierks office. 

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Important: Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative, Inc. (RMEC) will begin deploying an AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) system over the next ten months. Learn more


The Power in Preparation

September 6th, 2023

September is National Preparedness Month

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Preparedness Month is a yearly observance “to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.” During a prolonged power outage or other emergency, this means having enough food, water and supplies to last at least a few days. While you don’t have to achieve a “doomsday prepper” level of readiness, there are several practical steps you can take to keep you and your family safe.

Here are general guidelines recommended by FEMA:

  • Assemble a grab-and-go disaster kit. Include items like nonperishable food, water (1 gallon per person, per day), diapers, batteries, flashlights, prescription medications, a first-aid kit, a battery-powered radio and phone chargers. Add supplies for your pets, too.

  • Develop a plan for communicating with family and friends (i.e., via text, social media, third party, etc.).

  • Have some extra cash available; during a power outage, electronic card readers and cash machines may not work.

  • Store important documents (birth certificates, property deed, etc.) in safe place away from home (for example, a bank safe deposit box).

  • Fill your car with gas.

  • Bring pets indoors at the first sign of a storm or other emergency. Pets can become disoriented and frightened during severe weather and may wander off during an emergency.

  • Microchip your pet, and ensure the contact information is up to date.

  • Organize your supplies so they are together in an easily accessible location that family members know about.

Visit for more information on National Preparedness Month.

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